GGI is at at the forefront of health and care governance. Through our independent consultancy we have put in place effective solutions to the increasingly complex challenges across all four nations of the UK.

Governance should be facilitative rather than burdensome or bureaucratic. We have gained significant experience over the years of supporting commercial entities, professional and trade membership organisations to improve their governance and take the best decisions for their communities and stakeholders.

Whether through the agency of regulators or directly through councils and their partners (Fire, Police, Local Enterprise Partnerships) the governance of governmental organisations is key to creating vibrant local communities, and making the concept of ‘place’ effective.

GGI recognises the new role of third sector organisations and provides specialist support, working with leaders and trustees in strengthening governance practice, helping to assure financial sustainability, leadership development and succession planning.

GGI provides specialist advice and support in guiding and assisting higher education institutions in this process, drawing on our in-depth knowledge and expertise of governance, leadership and strategic development.

GGI appreciates the value that these bring to the life of local communities and the UK as a whole. We support this through the development of governance which best meets the needs of these dynamic organisations.

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