
Strategy is everyone's job, every day

Simplifying governance

Easy to do the right thing and difficult to do the wrong thing


Harnessing human potential

Good Governance Improvement (GGI) works to make sure organisations are run by the most talented, skilled and ethical leaders possible - and to build fair systems that consider all, use evidence, are guided by ethics and thereby take the best decisions.

Who we are

"Richard Watts Charities appointed the Good Governance Institute to carry out their first ever external governance review. The team had a very professional approach and carried out detailed interviews of Trustees, Staff and Advisers along with reviewing samples of the administrative procedures and policies. We received a very comprehensive report and a clear presentation on the...

Alex Clarabut


Your feedback

As our partners, GGI have delivered a capability and capacity review of the Board and executive of Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust as part of the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust relationship. They are professional, flexible and have an excellent grasp of the challenges facing major acute trusts, particularly in the complex and challenged political and...

Rt. Hon. Jacqui Smith


Your feedback

Andrew and colleagues invested time to be well prepared and understanding of our context and requirements before delivering a virtual board development session on approaches to trust wide risk management. The virtual session worked effectively and they ensured there was full and active participation from all board members. They demonstrated their expertise and experience in thi...

Claire Panniker

Chief Executive

Your feedback

GGI's non-political manifesto for community-minded organisations

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Jaco Marais

Partner, Director of communications and marketing

About Jaco

Peter Allanson

Principal Consultant

About Peter

Andrew Corbett-Nolan

Chief Executive

About Andrew

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