• Financial sustainability drives delivery

• Improve decision-making, accountability and risk management

• Integrate financial governance with strong oversight and effective systems and processes

As we plan for and move into 2023/24, there is renewed focus on improving financial governance and sustainability in the NHS. The latest NHS England planning guidance asks ICBs and providers to work together and put in place strong oversight and governance arrangements to drive delivery, supported by clear financial control and monitoring processes.

This comes at a time of significant operational pressure and workforce demands. GGI recognises that financial recovery can only be achieved in an integrated way and that financial sustainability improvements must take place alongside the management of these issues.

GGI has developed a set of programmes aimed at supporting both individual organisations and ICSs to improve their financial governance and sustainability.

GGI can offer four cumulative levels of support:

  1. Rapid review of existing financial governance arrangements. This is a cost-effective way of testing existing financial governance arrangements, using a predominantly desk-based review to identify areas for improvement and a clear action plan.
  2. Detailed review of existing financial governance arrangements. This is a more in-depth assessment, including observations of all key financial meetings and interviews with key individuals. This review would also be suitable if a concern has been identified or if there is regulatory intervention.
  3. Detailed review and development of the financial recovery programme. Supporting you to further develop and embed the financial recovery programme through improved governance processes and better utilisation of Model System, GIRFT and benchmarking data to ensure all opportunities are considered.
  4. Develop the system capabilities to support financial sustainability. Working with the ICS and system partners to improve financial sustainability through an organisational development programme that complements existing arrangements and builds a collective approach to robust financial analysis, transformation and continuous improvement.

GGI can also work with you to design a bespoke programme to address your needs. Contact us to discuss how we can support your organisation or ICS to address this challenge on the journey to financial sustainability.

I'm delighted that we chose GGI to carry out a review of our corporate governance.  Professional, responsive and flexible at all times, it was their expertise in this area that really stood out, bringing fresh insights and powerful recommendations.  Implementation of the review promises to take us a big step closer to the 'well-led' organisation we aspire to be.

Dr Neil Goulbourne

Director of Integration, Planning and Performance

Your feedback

Dudley CCG has embarked upon a major programme of system and service transformation with the procurement of a ground-breaking Multi-specialty Community Provider. GGI’s insights and support have been incredibly valuable in ensuring that the governance of the MCP procurement is of the highest possible standard. GGI has also provided discerning and innovative support to the bidding partners as they move toward establishing a new organisation to beco...

Paul Maubach

Accountable Officer

Your feedback

I have found GGI to be extremely well connected and a useful source of information and counsel with regard to negotiating one’s way through the complexities of the NHS. In addition, they have shown themselves to be flexible and capable of providing a broad range of services beyond that which their name alone suggests.

Joe Fielder

Chair of North East London NHS Foundation Trust

Your feedback

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Financial control and recovery


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Senior Consultant

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Prof Andrew Corbett-Nolan

Chief Executive

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David Cryer

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