




Catching up - 7 June 2021

As the grip of lockdown gradually relaxes, one of the great joys we’re all experiencing is catching up with the friends and family members we haven’t been allowed to embrace for months. This simplest of pleasures has been greatly missed and the universal relief at its return is palpable.

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Mental health awareness at work – 17 May 2021

We’ve all had to make a lot of adjustments throughout the pandemic. Today, as restrictions are further relaxed, a whole new raft of uncertainty begins. This understandably causes a lot of stress.

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The quantum leap – 4 May 2021

As the worlds of health and social care move towards the adoption of a new integrated model, we ask: is the scale of our ambition too limited? Are we aiming high enough? Perhaps now is one of those crucial times when it’s right to take the long view, remember our mission, muster our courage and take a quantum leap.

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GGI Newsletter - 22 May 2020

Welcome to GGI’s latest weekly summary of briefings, knowledge-sharing and commentary. This is Mental Health Awareness Week. In our daily bulletins, we marked the occasion by exploring the concept of kindness. With estimates suggesting that up to 500,000 more people will experience mental health issues due to COVID-19, on Thursday we looked at the current state of severe mental illness in the UK and asked how it would be affected by the pandemic.

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