Dawn Whittaker

Chief Fire Officer & Chief Executive
East Sussex Fire Authority



With experience in the private, public and voluntary community sectors, the last 16 years of Dawn’s career have been in emergency services. During this period she served as a professional government adviser to the Home Office.

Dawn has national roles with the National Chief Fire Officers Association, centred on leadership development and enhancing prevention and community safety, particularly in the area of drowning prevention. She has an interest in inclusion in the workplace and has spoken at Women in Leadership Conferences and written on subjects such as direct entry and neurodiversity impacts in our sector.

As CFO/CEO, political governance and industrial relations are critical to Dawn’s role and they are both areas in which she has significant experience. She also has extensive experience of civil contingencies and the work of local resilience forums. Within this area, she has experience of dealing with business continuity planning for major events and issues such as pandemics and Brexit.

Twitter: @CFOESFRS

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